Structural Screening
As we know, pain along the Musculoskeletal System might be a symptom indicative of Craniomandibular Dysfunction that is why a structural screening focusing on TMD has become standard. Today, it is no secret that the Temporomandibular Joint plays a key part in the functional processes from head to toe. The scientifically proven Cervico-Trigeminal Convergence allows the dental professional a completely new level of insight, for example, via isometric measurement of maximum force during the assessment of medical connections between the masticatory and the locomotive muscles.
Biochemical Screening
Inadequate performance and frequent injuries occur as a complex interaction. In most cases, there are a number of individual components that contribute to an inner shift of balance. The Biochemical Screening diagnoses various factors that sustain the pathological processes and eliminates them.
Neuromental Screening
Neuromental Screening is the third staple of the Sport Screening health check. In sports, mental attitude is at least as important as physical health, if not the most crucial factor for success. As a wise man once said:
“You can have anything you want, if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish, if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose."
(Abraham Lincoln, 1809–1865, The 16th president of the USA)
Neuromental Screening is conducted via an anonymised survey using reference numbers. An app provides access to this evidence-based test, unauthorised access or forwarding the personal data to a third party are not possible. The results are delivered to the medical team of Sport Screening and are stored anonymously in a scientific database.
The survey and the anonymous assessment are conducted in accordance with the criteria of DSMIV by a certified specialist.